Will my children be able to go to school near where I work?
Most Nunavut communities have schools that accommodate K-12. In smaller communities schools are within an easy walking distance of all services, including the health centres. In larger communities, school buses take students from home to school and back each day. For more information on schools in the community that interests you ask the nurse recruiter to provide the local school’s contact information.
My partner/spouse needs a job. Is that going to be a problem?
The availability of employment varies by the size of the community. Larger communities have more jobs, requiring a wider variety of skills. Jobs for teachers, allied health professionals and tradespeople are frequently available. Check the Government of Nunavut’s current job vacancies or other advertised jobs by clicking on the links below.
Are the advertised Nunavut Nurse jobs full-time?
Nunavut has openings for full-time and locum nurses. If the advertisement is for a "term” position, this information will be included in the individual job advertisement. The number of months or years will be specified.